Riesling: my favorite wine from Alsace

The sun is starting to shine again, the days are getting longer and I know: spring has sprung. The first white asparagus are out of the ground and the first stalks of rhubarb are back in the shops. One of my favorite wines this spring is Riesling. A fresh and aromatic wine that goes wonderfully with the aforementioned asparagus, but also with a spicy (Asian) curry. A few years ago I was in the French Alsace, where they produce the tastiest Riesling wine.

Riesling grape
The Riesling grape often grows in Germany and France. The best Rieslings come from the German Moselle valley, the Rhine region and the French Alsace. But some beautiful Riesling wines are also made in Austria, New Zealand and Australia.

Depending on the soil where the vines are planted, the climate and the way the wine is made, the taste can differ greatly. From dry and fresh to extremely sweet wines. Riesling comes in all shapes and sizes. The grape generally does best in regions with a cooler climate.

Riesling wine
Riesling is an aromatic wine in which you often taste fruits such as nectarine, apricot, apple and pear. You can also recognize lime in it if the wine is less matured, just like honey (more matured) or jasmine. Due to the high acidity of the wine, the wine can mature for a long time and can be stored for a long time.

Due to its sweetness but also high acidity, the Riesling fits perfectly with spicy food, such as Indonesian and Asian spices. But also full dishes such as potato gratin, sauerkraut and duck leg. The Riesling tastes best straight from the refrigerator at a temperature of about 8 degrees.

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